This refers to story-based media industries such as film, drama and web toons. The role of distributors in today's story industry is positive because it is responsible for efforts to provide end consumers with the best benefits from side jobs.
But how much is the benefit of the script writer from the screening of 10 million films? How many ordinary readers benefit from reading and answering original novels? If the original document is sold as secondary copyright, how often is "excess revenue" shared with the original author?
The problem of distributing excess revenue only happened yesterday or today, but we believe this won't happen again tomorrow.
Now we need fair distribution and distribution for writers who create stories, which are raw materials for additive media. This will be 130 trillion won in the future.
On the other hand, it is very difficult to reliably collect notarized quantitative data, which can be used as a basis for distribution.
It's time to more accurately measure "creative contribution data" through DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) and storyteller prizes before selling copyright. In addition, if you can create Story IP as an asset, collect funds with Story IP, and track core contribution data from the creation, it will be a completely new lifestyle with two different fields that will soon become. And the investment method turned out to be simple
Open story
Space where everyone can share secret situations in the story while protecting personal information.
Refunds are possible for unread components. Scene-based reactions, sharing, rating, recommendations.
Your contribution to reading for creation is also based on your reaction!
Cut-in Talk: Comments between actors.
An award if adopted after giving the author an episode of personal life.
The distribution of copyright income accompanies the growth of the growth index.
Animated viewer for readers. The function of changing Crypto-Actor!
Pro story
Professional creative tool for creating and distributing video scripts, webtoons, web novels, and interactive storage.
The ability to upload illustrations for illustrator monetization.
Progress in making, recent changes in contributions, and story growth charts.
Team agreements between co-authors (translators, illustrators, acoustics, assistant writers), intelligent NDA copyright protection, plagiarism detection.
Smart contract frameworks are created for revenue sharing based on the level of participants' contributions.
Contest & Trade Stories
Funding for video production / publishing.
Story Trade IP by Growth Charts Measured by Participants' Contributions.
Gateway, a beginner writer through the contest menu.
Distribution and settlement of coupons based on cryptographic currencies.
Core Menu & DAPPS
Pro Stori: Menu for Professional Writers.
Open Stori: Menu for creating social stories for everyone who shares life stories with narration.
Stori Contest: Contest Menu for Influential Authors and Amateur Marketers.
Stori Trading: Menu for Buying and Selling Intellectual Property Stories.
Stori Funding: Menu for raising funds to produce secondary works such as films and web toons.
Story chain function
Optimized for creators.
Collaboration between Joint Authors / Writing / Contracts, Weekly Prizes, and APIs for Third Party Content Providers.
Easy to use
Wherever you want to tell stories.
Simple and fast writing platform.
Matching pair
Author Agreement / Collaboration / Job Statistics Agreement / Update Notification / Complete Commission Create
Participation in.
Platform for readers to participate in work, become their own writers, make stories, and participate in them.
Platform that respects participants fairly and transparently based on their contributions.
Global platform
Global platform that can be translated, sold or copyrighted for global expansion.

Storichain seeks to make communication between writers and readers a fairer and more reliable contract to create asset value. Storichain is a protocol that provides contracts for historical contracts. Users can change their position in the story chain ecosystem as writers, producers and readers, and participate in making stories before they are published as separate media such as films, dramas, cartoons and games. In addition, if you can receive a prize for a user's weekly contribution before the sale of copyright, and if the story where you participate is sold for the second production, such as publication, video, etc., DApp) and Etherium as the main network.
Storichain aims to study and develop "stories" as a form of intellectual property. The history industry can be defined as an industry that includes storytellers and actions that use stories made for various purposes. In 2014, narratives revealed industries that create added value through products and companies based on research, discovery, planning, development, creation, dissemination and dissemination of stories that are considered a source of imagination and creativity.
Storichain does not store original textual history data on the blockchain. This is due to the fact that Storichain considered contributions at the stage of manufacture and transaction, as well as the transfer of ownership of stories rather than text / graphic data from the story itself. Nothing can prevent someone from distributing text content, because they only need to take pictures of their monitors and distribute them wherever they want. Instead of just preventing such actions, Storichain believed that it was more important to prove the value of the author's efforts by systematically measuring who contributed to the story, when and how it contributed to the transfer of ownership and how much each creator contributed to the story. .
Storichain calls this data type "metric activity". Because activity indicators are used to distribute the benefits of stories, they cannot be manipulated or manipulated. In addition, activity indicators are also used as a basis for calculating growth indices, which are used to determine the value of assets that underlie a story. Instead of just preventing such actions, Storichain believed that it was more important to prove the value of the author's efforts by systematically measuring who contributed to the story, when and how it contributed to the transfer of ownership and how much each creator contributed to the story.
Information token
Ticker: TORI
Price Token (USD): 1 TORI = 0.0034 USD
Allowed currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT
Supply of tokens: 4,000,000,000
Chain Block Platform: Ethereum
Distribution Token
13% - Team / Consultant
11% - Company
7% - Marketing / Partners
15% - message
15% - Eco Pool
5% - A drop of water
34% - Sales
Road map
2017 Q3
2017 Q4
- Team formation and consulting communication
2018 Q1
- Building business model
- The concept of the first storyboard
- The first draft of environmentally friendly systems and the development of entities
- MVP design
- Publishing on the Internet
2018 Q2
- Prototypes
Video Demo Concept
- Contributions of the architect
Basic Smart Contract Engineer
- Sales codes
2018 Q3
- Call for seed makers
Closed Closed MVP
2018 Q4
- POC - Eco Creator Experience
- Web application (centralized)
2019 Q1
- Launching the Alpha service
(Using the universe)
- Smart Contract Engineer II
- Partnership with entertainment production
2019 Q3
- Stori contract, GI contract
- Contract contract
2019 Q4
- Beta Services (Printing / Distribution)
- Original content
2020 Q1
- Launch of the series of contracts of the story
- Launching a graphic template group
2020 Q1
- Launch Crypto Actor Kit
2020 Q3
- Standard Documents Collection
ETH: 0x28772032DF2029aBeC375Fa4cAAd6aEd7540C0Ff
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