DACSEE | the world's first decentralized and autonomous social travel system.
Good day all friends, meet again with me han emily. In this opportunity I will share information with you all about the DACSEE project. What is certain this project is very interesting and very extraordinary. For more details let's just see the explanation from me below.
The DACSEE platform is the first of its kind, as a fully decentralized and autonomous travel service that allows drivers to pay for initial boot fee drivers as a sign of the ethereum chain criptomonedas chain, while processing passenger fares with the same token or other traditional methods. Its unique design allows it to develop virally without the help or control of a corporate entity. The point-to-point payment method and the possibility for drivers to use platforms to improve their own revenue-generating network allows DACSEE to spread independently to new markets around the world, affecting many of the monopolies of today's competitors.

The DACSEE platform ("Decentralized alternative box that serves and trains everyone") is the world's first decentralized and autonomous social travel system. The DACSEE driver buys DACSEE Coin (a cryptocurrency token in the Ethereum block chain) but can accept passenger tickets with the same token or other traditional fiat methods. When costs are collected, almost everything is returned to the stakeholders of the platform, consisting of drivers, passengers and government authorities. This unique design allows DACSEE to expand virally without the help or control of any corporate entity.
Every emerging market is experiencing increasing suffering and the application sector up and down is no different. Today is run by a handful of giants who receive excessive funding from capitalist and even government efforts, which they use to subsidize tariff rates, artificially deflate passenger costs and ultimately create unsustainable bubbles that seriously jeopardize drivers after inevitable pop.
Drivers face significant upfront investment costs when they buy new vehicles that are suitable for the application and these costs are getting harder to recover after the subsidies stop. Once they do, the market has become very saturated with the driver, all of which is left greatly reduced income and should rush to panic for any tariff left in the market dominated by competition.
There is a lot of social cost to the current up-and-down movement, which is still largely left behind by traditional taxi businesses in the back, as they can not compete with large-scale subsidies of venture capitalist-funded applications.
Taxis are in various forms in many parts of the world, from cars to powered carts and currently there is no chance for them to join the up-and-down motion app and they are left with only the attenuated by it.
The government has become a major point of friction for up-and-down applications, as they try to include new countries. They have long been plagued by complications with taxes and companies refuse to pay their fair share. DACSEE has a complete compliance plan designed for each country currently pursuing, which includes a crypto purse filled by smart contracts to use next-generation technology to automate the tax collection of used rides on platforms. This plan allows DACSEE to become a major player in the new market very quickly, without friction.
Current problems can be reversed by restoring power to the person and offering uninterrupted network structures that restore a natural and sustainable commercial flow. DACSEE provides this tool for people to take over their participation in the market and, thus, the platform and economy are also growing. There are many powerful decisions that are influenced by DACSEE's open philosophy and have been solidified in key parts of operations.
Open source technology is an important foundation of DACSEE operations, allowing the public to continue auditing [6], reviewing and updating basic code for applications, as well as underlay. This decision allows the platform to exist without a single point of control or weakness and allows the public to take DACSEE applications in any direction in the future, as emerging markets and future technologies are available. The DACSEE Foundation has a public account of the Github Organization where all the library and source code of the DACSEE project are stored.
The hybrid-decentralized operating structure has been designed in such a way that DACSEE operates in a market managed by corporate competition, while maintaining a lean and community-owned design. DACSEE has and will continue to be developed by Malaysian development launch company which is a very capable team, which has taken the concept of idea into a profitable business in the last 14 months. The development team is under the strict supervision of its superiors, who manage business contacts and app clients, to ensure delivery quality.
Although no team can develop software, the network itself is designed as an open, expandable, and sustainable mode, where there should be no core of the company's core operations. Based on the reference model of expansion means that the platform does not need to take revenues from drivers or passengers to finance an active marketing campaign, since the initial increase in financing and peer-to-peer expansion will continue. Both cover this area adequately, even in the face of multi-billionaires-backed competitors.
Through this great design decision, the DACSEE platform brings a new paradigm to share the economic journey and solve many of the obvious problems that arise from the company's centralized control system today to all parties. Platform growth does not contribute to the end result of profit-making firms, but rather to the general value attached to public system offerings and the revenue and discounts enjoyed by drivers and passengers.

Decentralization of Expansion through Paid Reference Network and Driver Verification.
Many networks go up and down, such as Uber, Grab, and Lyft, using the concept of "alphas" or "mentor", where today's drivers receive a one-time reference bonus to register their colleagues as drivers. The reason of this system is creating an atmosphere of responsibility among drivers, thereby improving passenger safety. DACSEE achieves responsibility and security by verifying controllers through an existing payment system. This viral or exponential approach allows the current driver to create so-called driver networks that provide passive income for their reference over time.
The existing controller must validate the documents of all controllers they intend for the job. Also, Before they are allowed to register new drivers on their path, current drivers should assist candidates through the verification process by three additional sources. In this way, the system becomes self-sufficient. Malaysia's launch partners have used similar systems successfully in previous commercial apps [17] to deploy their viral applications without incurring significant marketing costs:
The travel monitoring network is decentralized
Another security feature provided by the decentralized DACSEE network is to monitor nearby cars. This application allows the monitoring of anonymous and random microphones (as approved) that can not hear the conversation (because all the signals are randomly before transmission) but can monitor the audio level to detect passenger cries, event collisions or errors in the car. This ongoing security measure is very important, as security in a decentralized system is of primary concern. The DACSEE team has handled this issue very seriously and incorporated solutions that will work in the long run.
List of stored drivers for P2P experience
Passengers can use our software to keep a list of their favorite or most trusted drivers, enabling them to choose and order their favorite drivers for scheduled or last minute trips. This creates a trusted network for each individual, which can be further expanded because the driver recommends other trusted drivers to passengers, if they can not help them at that time. Reputation and feedback are very important in the online network [18] and the principle applies here, as it directly affects the driver's revenue.
Revenue from sustainable passive commissions
Drivers who use the DACSEE platform will be able to build and develop their own fleet of drivers. When they verify and recruit new drivers to the DACSEE network, they block their permanent commissions and add them to their reference network, which results in a percentage of all rates taken by the driver. It empowers all DACSEE drivers to enter the business itself, as the entrepreneur who grows the DACSEE network and earns a personal income.
Commercial taxis are reliable and not entrepreneurial
As drivers expand their business (described above), they will be comforted to know that they are building a business with long-term value. All work, references, and customer base will be transferable to other verified controllers on the network, including friends, family, and heirs. For example, when a DACSEE driver resigns, they can give their commercial participation to their adult children, creating a valuable source of income for their heirs. This type of inheritance and earning potential will be very attractive in developing countries. In addition, a change with this option option will enable the driver to sell his business, if he decides and after similar verification, the same as the new drive process.
Work is distributed evenly
To avoid the fierce nature of the taxi business [19], DACSEE incorporates multiple profit systems through active driving and passive income commissions, balancing the need for individual drivers who depend exclusively on Tariffs that can be obtained from passenger groups. Empower a reference system that encourages drivers to approach each other to the system and generate regular commissions for their attractions, which are very different from systems such as Uber, where adding additional drivers will only damage the end result of the controller. This makes the economic division work for drivers and passengers on the DACSEE platform.
Reference reference and reference marketing:
The DACSEE system is designed to be highly sustainable in the long run. The empowerment of individual passengers and drivers encourages the growth of the DACSEE platform. The software is designed to enable an exciting big market to bring our technology to the world. One such tool is an integrated commission and reference system, which really allows drivers to build their own taxi fleet. By recruiting, verifying and helping new drivers get to the platform, DACSEE Driver can create derivation networks that generate revenue where they earn commissions from their driver fees. There are three levels in the DACSEE commission system. Current and previous field tests have shown that this three-tier system is more cost-effective and balanced by minimizing the effects of saturation in certain markets. For example, at the first level of the driver network, you receive 1 percent of the rate.
DACSEE is a decentralized ERC20 Etereum symbol that customers will use to pay for taxi travel in a safe, unstoppable way, and you can not stop cryptography. It will be distributed to all ICO collaborators automatically over the Ethereum network and will be accessible to all online users through the DACSEE Wallet Internet App and the Google Play Store. Like all compatible ERC20 symbols, DACSEE witnesses can be stored and transferred only with Etereum private key and can be used on many platforms compatible with the Etereum portfolio.
The main driving forces behind DACSEE token requests are found in many forms used in the DACSEE travel sharing app. In most cargo applications, drivers must pay an advance deposit before accepting passengers, so their referrals can receive their commissions. DACSEE is no different; However, on this platform, the driver pays a commission in the form of a DACSEE token. This makes market demand, as all pilots in the platform who buy the chip through an integrated exchange with the app, or as non-drivers, will use other websites or bags.
Initially, a total of 3 billion DACSEE tokens will be sealed earlier in the Ethereum network on October 3.
2017, with 18 decimal shares and the number of tokens assigned permanently. There are three official financing rounds based on a token for this project, after which it can not buy DACSEE preliminary asking price tokens, which means that DACSEE marks can only be purchased on future exchanges and futures market prices.
Token will be offered for purchase and will be requested during Angel, ICO pre-ICO and general. There are no additional bonuses in the ICO round, but there will be more application development available for use and additional public marketing tests and outreach will be done; which means that the perceived risk of the donor is greatly minimized in this round. this final round will end on May 31, 2018 and all ICO DACSEE tokens of all taxpayers of all rounds will be distributed before June 14, 2018, exactly two weeks after the end of the DACSEE contribution period.
3 billion DACSEE symbols to be created, 840 million will be conducted by the non-profit DACSEE foundation, based in Thailand. The Foundation will store this token in locked accounts to enable price stabilization and accept it at pre-determined intervals as a paid DACSEE developer and long-term marketing, expansion funds, and outreach efforts. Marketing agencies in strategic countries have to pay with these reserves when the platform extends around the world. The first on the list are South Korea, as well as Mexico and Brazil, which have been very active in the driving journey of an unattended economy and with a large population of people who do not have bank accounts. It benefits the conditions,
The Foundation will grow financially through the success and adoption of the internationally widespread DACSEE platform. To stimulate this network expansion, the foundation will launch initiatives ranging from promotional driver storage coverage programs to direct marketing and campaign advertising in certain areas. As the primary owner of a token, the success of a long-term foundation depends on active participation in token expansion, so high returns can finance greater reach and reward all platform users.



Thus the information that I can provide for you, may be useful and can be considered by you in making decisions to be part of DACSEE.
WEBSITE | https://dacsee.io/
TWITTER | https://twitter.com/DACSEEOFFICIAL
TELAGRAM | https://t.me/DACSEE
Address ETH: 0x953F263907B8Abb79CC58a55968601BD6dB029a7
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