BeEasy - Investment and income ecosystem
BEEASY is one of the outcomes of a bloc chain development industry that has experienced excellent achievements and good ideas based on a system that allows investors to open opportunities directly to make token investments more open. This is one of the first block-produced chain platforms that the company wants to realize, and the investor's economic weaknesses with some people around the globe in the concept of mutual benefit, the chain block platform. Major Points FAILURE The majority of registered investors and potential investors will start a business across platforms.
Over the past 5 years, the Crypto currency market has grown 70 times. By 2017, the most popular market capitalization of alcoins, amounting to 800 billion dollars. Along with the growth of crypto currency market, retail e-commerce market is also growing, which for the year 2017, showed growth of 13%. At the same time, the share of purchases in e-commerce does not exceed 2% by 2017. This situation is caused by uncertain cryptographic exchange and receipt conditions. Fear of people, losing their savings in the national currency in the process of exchanging, investing, buying goods, is a major obstacle for people who start using crypto currency in a shared settlement.
In order for the crypto currency more accessible to people, the international Cryptocompany company launches the BeEasy ecosystem.
BeEasy- the mining, trading, investment, shopping, charity, ecosystem is built on the basis of blockade technology.
BeEasy offers an intuitive interface to its users, built on the principle of a single window. The interface connects the six major directions for obtaining and using the crypto currency:
1. EasyPool is a professional tool to minimize crypto currency, with built-in equipment management system.
It is possible to obtain crypto currency bundles on operating systems such as Windows and Linux. Depending on the quotes, the currency in the stock exchange and the complexity of the production process itself, EasyPool may switch to a specific crypto currency to achieve optimal results. It has a built-in statistics and high-speed statistics to reserve miners, which reaches the minimum amount of downtime or lack of complete equipment. Have a mobile app, you need to monitor the equipment. It uses high-speed and reliable communication channels to ensure maximum security of crypto currency received. EasyPool provides an opportunity to observe mining results, in real time.
2. EasyTrade - full multifunctional crypto exchange.
The main difference between EasyTrade, from most crypto currency exchanges, is the possibility of making a deposit or expense transaction using a regular payment system (bank transfer, bank card, other electronic payment system). In contrast to the classic scheme to find exchangers-intermediary on the Internet, to exchange further money for the currency crypto and put it on the exchange. In this situation, the possibility of any fraud is excluded.
EasyTrade has a full set of tools for trading:
trading margin;
integration with MetaTrade5;
tools for such analysis;
trading reports in real time;
derivative trading tools;
multicurrency account;
liquidity aggregation;
open the API client;
mobile apps, etc.
3. EasyCare is an element of interaction with a charitable foundation.
This provides an opportunity for every user to contribute to the preservation of ecological properties, helping people in need. In fact, the most interesting thing about this module is that users send not so much of their original money as a result of their own computers. Any amount of crypto currency, at the request of the user, received as a result of mining on his own computer may be transferred to a charitable foundation. The choice of funds depends on the user.
4. EasyFund-automatic system to monitor profitability and liquidity.
The simple interface allows you to easily assess the current state of the user's assets, controlling the amount of investment and profitability, currently in the ETH / BTC / USD bundle.
5. EasyPlay - module to get real things for crypto currency.
One of the most interesting modules of a system that offers the user, choosing the real thing or the real service that interests him, which has accumulated on it with the help of mining. The standard acceptance process begins with the installation by the user, on your own computer software. Then follow the user verification process in BeEasy system, computer system diagnostics. Once the system diagnosis is complete, the user will be offered a selection of goods and services from the system partner. When the choice is made, the system starts cleaning up the crypto currency. Users can observe all mining procedures and end dates in their personal accounts. After the process is complete, the user sends the e-mail certificate to receive the product or service.
6. EasyData-ready data center, for placement of mining equipment.
Users have the opportunity to rent equipment for mining, assess the amount of crypto currency received, profitability of leased capacity, monitor the process itself. It is possible to increase or decrease the amount of lease capacity.
BeEasy ecosystems give everybody the opportunity, not change the usual way of life, to acquire and manage digital assets.
Unlike most projects on the market, BeEasy ecosystems come out with ready-made software products and their own data centers, built and operated by the end of 2017. The current data center capacity is 1MW and will be upgraded to 6MW by the end of 2018.
The founders of the ecosystem have invested 1.5 million dollars in it and are planning further investment increases, due to the profits received, as well as by attracting private investors' financing.
The attractiveness of financing from private investors will occur within the company's ICO, based on the ETKN token itself, which is currently underway.

The BeEasy platform is a multiplatform blockchain that supports many features. Let me share their amazing concept where all the fans in this industry like merchants, investors, miners will be encouraged to support this great project. View illustration illustrates how it works.
The purpose of attracting funding, under ICO:
production of its own innovative equipment for mining;
the development of its own crypto exchange currency;
implement marketing actions, for rapid global expansion of the project;
development of its own technical base;
opening offices in Switzerland, Japan, US and Hong Kong;
obtaining permissive documentation and crypto exchange licenses in Switzerland, Japan, Hong Kong and the United States;
Publishing ETKN token
The ETKN Token is issued in accordance with the ERC-20 standard of the block air station.
Total token issue: 250,000 ETKN
Distributed to Pre-ICO: 40,000 ETKN
Available on ICO: 160,000 ETKN
Cost of 1ETKN: 0.02 BTC
Legal side of the project:
Cryptocompany is an international group of companies comprising of:
parent company CRYPTALL LTD, registered in the Republic of Cyprus;
BeEasy Core under the jurisdiction of the Isle of Man;
EasyTrade, a company under the jurisdiction of Singapore;
a company developed by the "Crypto" LLC registered in Russia;
by equipment manufacturer LLC "TradeKom" registered in Russia;
company, data center owner, DatService LLC, registered in Russia.

This is a new trading platform based on a successful block-chain method that demonstrates the BEEASY market and alters the functioning of the financial ecosystem. The system supports a surprising process of asset type transactions using its platform partners. In addition, this platform uses proprietary encryption known as token transactions. Developers hope to create massive liquidity targets that hold token transactions that will benefit the token owner. The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in transforming various financial assets with block chain technology. Once you have decided to participate in this transaction site, with creative ideas and founders of the experience, we continue to invest, personally not only rewarding, confident and capable of starting exchanges and transactions that generate huge revenues.
As the first generation platform to provide a solution to not fit the future BEEASY era investor platform issues, whenever I see normal rise and fall of market price changes encryption exchange and encryption, this platform is automatic notification It is sought by potential users who are ready to build ecosystem conceptualize mutual benefits between merchants and users on mobile devices around the world without minimizing their activities, It aims to build a platform to further enhance stability. in order to solve most investors is a frequent problem faced, to improve the performance of BEEASY, providing intelligent solutions in the platform to facilitate access to the account.
That's the information from me, hopefully useful and can help you in finding information about BeEasy. Join BeEasy right now, do not be late. Because BeEasy is a great project for the future.
Address ETH : 0x953F263907B8Abb79CC58a55968601BD6dB029a7
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