HERO - Future Banking Solutions In Southeast Asia

The banking industry has undergone many major changes in the last few years. This industry is becoming more competitive due to regulatory deregulation. Currently, banks have flexibility in the services they offer, the locations they operate, and the rates they pay for deposits. Now comes a new breakthrough about a decentralized Bank by a Smartcontract Token named Hero that will operate in Southeast Asia .

What is a Hero?

Hero is the newest and the first banking from Southeast Asia that is decentralized using blockchain technology . Hero is here to revolutionize the banking industry to make credit more accessible and affordable by unbanked or underbanked, starting in Southeast Asia. Unbanked is a person who has money but does not keep his money in the bank, underbanked is the opposite.

Hero operates entirely online with its headquarter in Singapore without having a branch company which allows it to keep operating costs low and to stay focused on customers. Hero also turned the loan into a highly efficient, transparent and no-friction digital experience for the region in Southeast Asia.

Hero has a vision to change the current financial system which ostracizes as many as 2 billion people from the banking system but the problem can be overcome by using technology to create a more inclusive system which will allow people to access credit more easily.

How Hero Works?
On or before the loan maturity date, the customer may, through various payment options, make payments on loan repayment 
or apply for loan renewal
 . If the customer fails to redeem or update before the due date, then the loan is legally entered. Note the period between 1 month for electronic goods and up to 3 months for non-depreciable goods . Upon completion of notification if the customer does not make any repayments and additional interest payments are required, then Opus resolves legally.

Public notice and auction process are required and then make the item available for sale in our market. PawnHero offers several payment options for loan repayment (Pay Out) and loan repayment and / or loan extension (Pay In). Major payment partners include Paynamics, which offers multiple over-the-counter transactions in national banks , and Pay In and Pay.

Using Coins, customers have access to mobile wallets and services such as remittances on billing payments, and online shopping at over 100,000 merchants receiving digital currencies . Other options including without PawnHero ATM withdrawal card continue to add Pay Out and Pay In options with companies in banking, Money Transfer, e-wallet, digital money, and retail location processing business.

Hero Token

This document provides a comprehensive overview of Hero , its applications and benefits, the team involved in the project, the upcoming Hero fundraising referred to as ICO or & corporate crowdsale and the goals Hero is expected to achieve.

Token / Token Sale sales is an event in which a new project from cryptocurrency will sell a portion of its cryptocurrency token to the early adopters and enthusiasts in return. For those who offer token for sale, it has become a well-documented and well-respected way of raising funds to improve existing products and services.

The sale made by the Distributor of the Hero Token which relates to a Token Sale Hero Token Sale itself to you as a buyer thereof shall remain subject to the applicable terms and conditions - which are contained in a separate document specifying the terms and conditions of agreement between the distributor and you which is related to the Hero Token Sale. Distributors are the involved members of PawnHero and they will disseminate all proceeds of Hero Token sales which relate to Hero Token Sale to be used as project funding and the Hero's cryptocurrency business.

Hero Token Details

80% of the total number of Hero Tokens for sale publicly in Hero Token Sale under symbol ticker Hero.

15% of the total remaining Hero Tokens will be allocated to the founders as long-term interest alignment

3% of the total number of available Hero Tokens will be provided to early believers and advisers.

2% of the total number of available Hero Tokens will be used for Bounty.

The Hero Token will be sold at a ratio of 1/200 ETH, which means 1 ETH worth 200 Hero Tokens.

A bonus 30% bonus will be offered for those who bought on the first day for the first three hours.

Bonus 20% bonus will be offered for those who bought on the first day for three hours and above.

Bonus 10% bonus will be offered for those who bought on day two and third.

Bonus 5% bonus will be offered for those who buy on the fourth day to the seventh day.

Bonus 2.5% bonus will be offered for those who buy on the day to eight to two weeks.

Purchases of more than two weeks will not earn a single bonus.


The HERO token will undergo an ICO so that the token is distributed among participants. Unlike many other ICOs on the market today, the HERO ICO will distribute 80% of the tokens to the public and only keep 15% for the team. This is a good move, because the people need to take the risk-return in the market and will help investors who put money into the project at such an early stage.

Team Hero


That's an article from me that has explained about HERO TOKEN patform. Hopefully my article can be used as a reference by you to immediately join HERO TOKEN.


Address ETH: 0x32412715249f0c79b4fb958c6E32D871EaC778D2


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