PUMAPAY _ Payment using crypto
How to convert cryptocurrency into real world currency? Good question. If something should be accepted as a form of currency, then it should be used as a means of exchange to buy products / services. Like, how do you use fiat currency like USD or Euro for your daily transactions. In the same way, if there is an option available to use cryptocurrency for online / offline transactions, it will bring a great revolution into the real world. Although the value of 1 BTC has passed 13000 USD, still it is a black box for many people. Because they can not trust this crypto because they are not supported by any government. In addition, it is not widely accepted as a form of payment by many sellers. Only people see crypocurrencies as an investment option that monitors events in the crypto world. At this time, some merchants or sellers accept cryptocurrencies as payment. But, the network is very small and there is little room to expand the...